An ancient legend tells that from the beginning of the world a great snake with wings, horns and a long tail lies buried under the mantle of the Earth. Its spiers go deep into the vast sea and its bones support the highest mountains, the power that runs through the world is its.

It is told of standing stones crossed by magic that heal the ills of those passing nearby during a night of full moon, sometimes creating, in particular nights of the year, a temporary gap between the material wolrd and the parallel ones of gods.

Dragons can hide everywhere, in heavens, in water, on the earth and underground.

Come nelle antiche leggende della magia, in un rituale che riporta l’uomo in contatto con la terra, con la natura e i suoi elementi, il fuoco si accende. Il terreno cosparso di fiamme, scintille lanciate nell’aria, il fuoco che assume nuove forme. A piedi nudi tra paura e audacia.