Avvengono incontri importanti che possono modificare i nostri percorsi. Le nostre decisioni si sviluppano grazie ai buoni maestri e agli ottimi suggeritori a cui diamo ascolto.

They happen important meetings that can modify our routes. Our decisions are developed thanks to the good teachers and the excellent advisors to whom we listen.


www.tatianafoschi.com The aerial acrobatics and the voice of dreams
www.operafiammae.comCompany Opera Fiammae
www.igniferi.com An excellent student
www.la-salamandre.com The first great masters
www.suissemarocain.com The fraternal friend Suisse Macorain
www.flicscuolacirco.it The tiring formation in the contemporary circus
www.59rivoli.org The art in Paris that hosted the work of the Drago Bianco
www.skiplacomune.it A friend who believes in Drago Bianco
www.jugglingmagazine.it Information in the world of Italian juggling
www.simonealani.it An artist who follows the direction of the Drago Bianco
www.cirkodemente.com.mx The interest of the Drago Bianco from Mexico
www.lufficioincredibile.wordpress.com Exellent organizer